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16 Blogging mistakes to avoid before starting a blog in 2024


If you’re thinking about starting a blog, it’s important to be aware of some common blogging mistakes that many bloggers make when they first start out.

Do you already have a blog? That’s great! If not, don’t worry.

Many bloggers share their experiences, both the mistakes they’ve made and their success stories, on their blogs. You can find bloggers writing about a wide range of topics on their sites, including the mistakes they’ve made along the way.

Blogging has been around since 1999 when Blogger was launched. Blogger is hosted on Google and is a popular blog publishing tool. Experienced bloggers often share how they got started with their blogs and the mistakes they made along the way.

If you’re considering starting your own blog, it’s important to learn from the mistakes of others. Knowing what not to do can save you a lot of time and frustration in the long run.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner, even small mistakes can have a big impact on your blog. It’s crucial to have the right tools, platform, hosting, and marketing strategy in place for your blog to be successful.

In this post, I’ll discuss some of the most common blogging mistakes that bloggers make when creating their websites.

After reading this post, I’m confident that you’ll be able to make informed decisions and avoid or improve upon these mistakes as you embark on your own blogging journey.

So, let’s take a closer look at some of the basic blogging mistakes to avoid in 2024.

Choose the right platform

I understand that you’re on the hunt for a free platform or tools to kickstart your blog. It’s totally normal to feel a bit overwhelmed and unsure about where to begin.

I mentioned earlier that Blogger is an option for publishing your blogs through Google. However, Blogger does have its limitations – you can only post up to 100 blogs per account. So, if you’re planning on posting more than that, you’ll need to create another account.

There are other blogging platforms out there like Wix, Weebly, and Squarespace. But, like everything, there are pros and cons. If you opt for a free hosting platform, you might have to deal with annoying ads popping up on your site, which can drive both you and your readers crazy.

So, how do you choose the right platform?

My personal favorite is WordPress, a self-hosted site that’s a popular Content Management System (CMS) for creating blogs. According to, 62.7% of websites are built using WordPress. It’s a speedy CMS, with over 750+ sites being created using WordPress.

If you’re new to WordPress, don’t stress about the cost. With WordPress, you can avoid many restrictions and even monetize your blog. You’ll have full control over your website and can customize it to suit your needs.

Choose the right WordPress theme


Congratulations on choosing WordPress as your blogging platform!

Now, it’s time to choose the perfect WordPress theme for your site. Many people make common mistakes when choosing a theme for their blogging sites.

There are countless free WordPress themes available, but I understand that it can be overwhelming to decide which one is best for your site. Numerous WordPress theme providers offer both premium and free themes.

I don’t have any personal favorites or specific recommendations because different blogging niches require different themes. I suggest comparing similar niche websites and making a list of the features you need for your blogging site.

Selecting the right WordPress theme from the start will help you maintain your blog in a consistent format. If you decide to change the theme later on, it may be challenging to customize the layout to your liking.

While changing the theme is not difficult, deciding which sections to highlight can be confusing. There are many drag-and-drop page builders available if you want to create a customized WordPress theme.

You can start with a simple WordPress theme and use popular drag-and-drop page builder plugins to create your own custom template.

Choose the Best hosting company


So, you’ve decided to go with WordPress for your blog and you’ve got yourself the best WordPress blogging theme. Now it’s time to get your website hosted.

A lot of people opt for cheap or even free hosting services, but let me tell you, not all hosting services are created equal. Many users make the mistake of going for cheap hosting, only to end up with no customer support, hacked sites, no backups, and no guarantee that the hosting company will even be around tomorrow.

I personally recommend Bluehost, and even WordPress themselves recommend them as a hosting partner. Hosting plans typically range from $2.95 to $13.95 per month, and without hosting, your website won’t be accessible to the outside world.

When choosing a hosting provider, look for key features like support, site speed, security, traffic records, and other features that will benefit your site. It’s important to have the right hosting partner for your WordPress site.

If you’re looking for hosting for a low-traffic or data website, Bluehost’s WordPress hosting is a great option. If you’re considering alternatives, you can also check out Siteground or Hostgator, both of which are also recommended for hosting WordPress sites at an affordable price.

Choose the right domain

bluehost domain name

Selecting the perfect domain name can be quite a challenge, especially for beginners in the world of WordPress blogging. It’s crucial to get this right from the start.

Your domain name is essentially the online address for your website. It’s like the home base for all your online content.

If you’re writing about cars, make sure your domain name reflects that. The same goes for fashion, lifestyle, or any other niche you’re focusing on.

Take the time to research what domain names other bloggers in your niche are using. This can give you some inspiration and help you stand out.

We recommend checking out Bluehost Domain Search and GoDaddy to see if your desired domain name is available. These hosting providers offer affordable options for both domain names and hosting services.

Plus, if you go with Bluehost, you’ll even get a free domain name for the first year when you purchase hosting through them. It’s a win-win!

When choosing a domain name for your blog, there are a few key things to keep in mind.

  • First off, make sure the domain name you want is available. I personally think a .com domain is the best choice for a blogging site.
  • Secondly, it’s important that the domain name is easy to spell and gives visitors a clear idea of what your blog is all about.
  • Thirdly, go for a domain name that’s easy to remember. You want people to be able to recommend your blog to others without struggling to recall the name.
  • And lastly, avoid copying the domain names of other brands. Trust me, it’ll only cause problems down the road.

Choose the right niche for your blog


Congratulations on securing the perfect domain name and partnering with the best hosting service for your WordPress site.

Now, the next step is deciding what to blog about.

How do you start a blog? What topics are currently trending that you can write about? Where should you begin?

These are some of the most crucial questions in the blogging world.

New bloggers often make the mistake of choosing the wrong niche for their website. Below, I have listed some common mistakes to avoid when selecting a niche for your blog.

Blogging niche that no one cares about or is interested in

If you are blogging solely for personal enjoyment, feel free to write as much as you want on your website. However, if your goal is to attract users to your blog, it is important to focus on topics that interest them.

For example, if you are writing about video games, consider what topics within that niche are popular among readers. It would be more beneficial to write about a specific demon in a popular video game that many users are searching for, rather than a topic that only a few people are interested in.

By focusing on a niche with long-term search results, you can increase traffic to your website and potentially generate revenue. It is important to consider the interests of your target audience when creating content for your blog.

Blogging niche that you are not passionate about

Choose a niche that you are truly interested in and passionate about. If you’re not interested in your blog topic and writing content that doesn’t make sense, that’s a big mistake in blogging.

For example, if you love cars, write about cars! You can share reviews, talk about accessories, and cover anything car-related. The key is to be passionate about the niche you’re sharing with your audience.

Blogging niche that you are following others’ path

You may be wondering if you should follow the same path as a blogger who is receiving high traffic and making money from their blog.

My friend, you are getting misled.

Certainly, there is another blog post that I am currently working on, but what truly sets it apart is the quality of content that it offers. It is essential to ensure that your blog posts are filled with valuable and unique information for your readers.

When writing on similar topics, it is important to provide additional insights and details that will add value to your readers’ experience. For example, if I am writing about BMW, you can choose to write about Audi, Mercedes, or any other car manufacturer in the market. The possibilities are endless.

Feel free to explore different angles and perspectives within the same topic. Your goal should be to provide your readers with fresh and informative content that sets your blog apart from the rest. Remember, it is the quality of information that you offer that will keep your readers engaged and coming back for more.

Blogging niche that confuses the audience

Sure, let’s take a moment to switch gears here. It’s important to really hone in on this topic. You have a passion for cars, which is fantastic, and bikes, even better. However, managing a blog that covers both cars and bikes on your website can be a bit challenging. Let’s pause and consider how we can best approach this.

Not the greatest idea to pick up a niche(s) that you would like to merge on a single blogging site.

If your blog covers too many topics, your audience may become confused about what it’s really about. This could lead to Google penalizing your site or causing your search results to drop.

If you’re passionate about multiple niches, consider creating separate blogs for each one instead of trying to cram them all into one.

Blogging niche just writing to increase the number of blog posts

This is a piece of advice I want to share with new bloggers: don’t just write blogs to have a lot of posts on your site. Quality is key, not quantity.

It’s better to have five high-quality blogs on your site than twenty poorly written ones. If your blog is getting good traffic with those five great posts, it will rank well in Google search results.

On the other hand, writing low-quality content that doesn’t attract much traffic won’t get you anywhere and won’t help you make money from your site. So focus on quality over quantity!

Write the proper title and headline for your blog

Crafting a compelling title and headline is crucial for the success of your blog.

For instance, in my post on WordPress Beginners, I made sure to include catchy headlines throughout the content. Before diving into writing a blog, it’s important to brainstorm ideas and keywords. Once you have a clear list, you can start outlining your blog in your own words.

Adding an outline in between posts helps your audience understand the type of content you’re offering. Remember, you don’t have to cram all the information into one headline. Make sure that you update old blogs to drive more traffic to your website.

To boost your blog’s SEO, consider using H2 headings for main headlines and H3 headings for subheadings. If you’re writing about a specific product, try breaking down the title by asking questions related to the product. This can create additional headlines for your blog.

For instance, if you’re writing about a car, you could ask questions like:

– How fuel-efficient is this car?
– Why does this car come with a higher price tag compared to other models?

By posing questions, you not only engage your readers but also attract more traffic to your blog. This way, your audience can find all the answers they need in one place.

Use images and videos for your blog


They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and I couldn’t agree more, especially when it comes to blogging. Who actually said that? I have no idea, but they were onto something. I mean, who wants to read a super-long post with no images?

Let’s be real, guys. Visuals are key when it comes to your website. I’d much rather watch a video of someone talking about a blog post than read the whole thing myself.

When people visit your site, they’re drawn to the images and graphics you have. It keeps them interested and sticking around longer, which is a win-win.

So, my advice? Add some graphics or images to your posts to keep your visitors engaged and entertained.

There are tons of free images, videos, and graphics out there that you can use without breaking the bank.

And if you throw some video content into the mix, even better! It’ll help drive traffic to your site from both your blog and YouTube.

Researching Topic on the topic that you are writing


It’s crucial to keep your website updated with the latest information. To do that, you need to research your topic thoroughly. These are common mistakes that bloggers often make.

Even a small piece of information can be valuable to your audience. I know you’re knowledgeable about cars, but the world and technology are constantly changing.

If you write about Model X, a new Model Y could be released shortly after. Your audience will lose trust if you have outdated information on your site.

Get into the habit of conducting in-depth research on the topics you blog about. This will keep you ahead of your competitors who may have outdated content on their sites.

Always ensure that you post accurate information, whether it’s statistics or any other relevant information in your niche.

Targeting the right audience for your niche


Let’s talk about an example. If I’m searching for a car review site, I’ll find tons of blogs that talk about different cars and their reviews. But what if I want to read about a specific car? Are there any blogs out there that can help me with that?

I bet there are only a few of those sites. And I’m probably not the only one looking for information on that car. So, the idea is to focus on that specific car niche and start a blog about it.

Many new bloggers tend to make common mistakes because they’re not attracting the right audience to their blog.

I mean, like I mentioned before, you need to research your competitors and see what they’re blogging about. Target your audience and learn from the mistakes your competitors have made on their blogs.

You can always get new blogging ideas from the comments and reviews on your competitors’ blogs. Like I said earlier, asking questions like how-to, why, and where can help bring more traffic and attention to your blog posts.

Promoting the blog on social media


Congratulations on completing your first blog post on your blogging site!

However, one simple mistake that new bloggers often make is failing to promote their blog after finishing it.

There are various ways to promote your blog on social media. It’s cost-effective and doesn’t require any financial investment. All you need to do is dedicate some time to figuring out where and how to promote your blog on social media.

You can share your post on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest, encouraging your friends and followers to check out your page. By having them share your content, you can drive traffic to your blog. Keep in mind that not every social media platform will be a hit, and there may be times when you don’t see much traffic coming from them.

While you may gain followers and likes, building traffic can take time. Social media provides an easy way to share your content, allowing you to engage with others by commenting on posts and sharing your link to attract traffic to your blog.

SEO is the Key to every blog


If you’re not an SEO pro, it’s time to start learning the basics. Neglecting SEO is a common mistake in blogging, but having a grasp of the fundamentals can make a big difference.

SEO is crucial for ranking high on Google’s search engine results pages (SERP) and building trust with Google to increase your Domain Authority.

Skipping the basics of SEO is a major blogging blunder. Knowing where to place keywords in your blog is essential.

Every day, millions of Google searches are based on specific keywords found in blog posts.

A good tip is to use an SEO plugin like Yoast, which can help you optimize your blog for Google traffic. Also, make sure to optimize your images so that your website loads quickly on all types of devices.

Yoast SEO plugin offers suggestions on the best practices for adding keywords to your blog posts.

Some of the key aspects that you should consider for SEO are:

  • First, make the title of the post simple and short Don’t do keyword stuffing. I mean Google will penalize you for adding many keywords in a single post.
  • Second, create Simple yet powerful headlines to attract users. Try using plain and simple words. Don’t use words that confuse users.
  • Third, keep the URL clean and simple.
  • Fourth, use internal and external links.
  • Finally, make sure the URLs open in a different tab.

Write blogs consistently and regularly 

I have come across many bloggers who write around 50 blogs and then call it quits. They don’t plan ahead, which is a blogging mistake you should definitely avoid.

To be successful, you need to write consistently and regularly. Some professional bloggers even hire writers to publish blogs every 2 or 3 days.

If you run your own blog, try to make it a habit to write at least one blog a week. Even posting every 2 weeks can help you earn a decent income from your site. You could use that money to pay bills or treat someone special to a nice date.

By posting regularly, your audience will see that your site is active. If you don’t update your content, your traffic will drop and Google may lose interest in ranking your site in search results.

Whether you write 20,000 words or just 2,000, consistency is key. Avoid this blogging mistake if you want to succeed on your blogging journey.

Networking with other Bloggers


After publishing your blog on your website, it’s important to connect with other bloggers in your niche. Not interacting with bloggers in the same niche is a common mistake many new bloggers make.

While sharing your blog on social media is a great way to promote it, it doesn’t always guarantee enough traffic. That’s why reaching out to other bloggers is key. Start by saying hello and complimenting their posts. Building relationships with other bloggers can help you promote your website more effectively.

  1. First, I would suggest trying to speak at WordCamps. It’s a great opportunity to showcase your talent, meet new people, and elevate your status within the industry. It’s a chance to mingle with the big players and make a name for yourself.
  2. Next, consider interviewing other niche bloggers. There are plenty of bloggers out there who would love to share their insights and experiences with you. You can conduct these interviews through video calls or podcasts. Reach out to some of the top bloggers in your niche and ask if they would be willing to collaborate with you. Sharing their content on your site can help both of you reach a wider audience and grow your online presence.
  3. Thirdly, consider reaching out to other niche blog site owners to request a guest post. By emailing them and proposing a guest post, you may receive a backlink to your website or even get paid for your contribution. It’s a great way to expand your reach and collaborate with others in your industry.
  4. Finally, consider joining forums or groups on social media. There are countless online communities where you can connect with fellow bloggers and promote your website. You may even find users willing to write a guest post for your site at no cost.

Take time to reach your readers.


It’s important to show some love to the people who take the time to comment on your blog posts. Even if you think you can reply later or just ignore them, you’re missing out on a big opportunity.

These are people who are showing you some love, even if they don’t know you personally. So, take a few minutes to respond to their comments. It’s a simple way to show your appreciation and build a connection with your audience.

There are several compelling reasons why it is important to engage with and respond to users.

  • First and foremost, building a relationship is key. Responding to comments shows that you value the person taking the time to engage with your content. For example, if someone comments on your Instagram photos, it’s important to reply promptly. If it’s someone you’re interested in, you might even start a conversation in the comments. It’s all about showing appreciation for their time and effort and making them feel important.
  • Another reason why the same person will return to your site is that when you reply to their comments, they are more likely to come back, read your post, and leave another comment.
  • Thirdly, it provides you with fresh ideas for creating new blog posts. Oftentimes, you may have observed that individuals are curious about certain topics and inquire about how to accomplish certain tasks. This will expand your range of topics to write about on your blog.

Here are a few common blogging mistakes to steer clear of if you want to attract a large audience to your site.

Monetizing your website

monetizing your job portal site

If you’re new to WordPress and making websites, I suggest not focusing on making money right away. I know you probably started your blog to earn some extra cash, but it’s important to build a solid foundation first.

One common mistake beginner bloggers make is trying to monetize their site too soon. While making money is definitely a goal to work towards, it should come second to establishing your blog and growing your audience.

It takes time to gain trust from both Google and your readers, so don’t expect to start raking in the cash right off the bat. Even if you’re driving some traffic to your site through social media, it’s unlikely that people will be willing to pay for your content right away.

Focus on creating quality content, engaging with your audience, and building a loyal following. Once you’ve established yourself as a trusted source, the money will start to come in naturally.

Some of the easiest ways that you can earn income from your blogging site are:

  1. First, offer consultations to users who need help understanding a topic or finding solutions to their problems.
  2. Second, consider using Google Adsense to place banner ads on your website. By signing up for Google Adsense, you will receive a piece of code to add to your site. You will earn a small amount each time someone clicks on the ads.
  3. Third, try selling eBooks. If you are a skilled writer, you can create online stories and articles to sell on your website.
  4. Fourth, write sponsored posts for other niche bloggers or companies and get paid for your work.

Do not give up


It’s been a couple of months and you might be feeling discouraged or losing faith. Don’t worry, this is a common mistake that many bloggers make.

I know that feeling when you start to feel demotivated and think your blogging career is over. Many bloggers give up on writing new posts because they don’t see immediate success.

But here’s a fun fact: it took 1000 years to build the entire city of Rome. Success takes time, so don’t give up too soon. Not everyone becomes a superstar overnight.

Instead of comparing yourself to other bloggers, focus on improving your own site. Stay positive and keep working hard – your efforts will pay off.

The truth is, it can take 6-8 months for new bloggers to see their posts ranking on Google. Instant results are rare in the blogging world. It takes time to see the fruits of your labor.

By promoting your site and monetizing it properly, you’ll start to see results in the future. The key is to not give up easily.

If you feel like Google isn’t ranking your blog, look for solutions, learn new things, and try again. There are plenty of other bloggers out there who can offer advice and with some research, you can grow your blog in no time.


Making mistakes while blogging is completely normal, whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out. We all learn and grow from our mistakes, so don’t worry too much if you slip up here and there.

As you continue to write more content, you’ll become a blogging master and start driving traffic to your site effortlessly. To help you along the way, I’ve put together a list of 16 common blogging mistakes to avoid when starting a blog.

While there are plenty of other blogging mistake guides out there, I wanted to share some tips that have personally helped me. Everyone has their own opinions on what constitutes a mistake, so feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

If you’re looking to kickstart your blogging career in 2024, be sure to steer clear of these common pitfalls.

And now, I want to hear from you –

what blogging mistakes have you made in your journey?

Is there anything I missed that you think should be included?

If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it on Facebook and Twitter to help out fellow bloggers who may be struggling with their own mistakes.

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